Bangor iPod touch and iPad screen digitizer replacement Special for June 2014 .
Computer Doctor replaces broken screens and digitizers
Summer is right around the corner, get your broken devices up to par for vacations and outdoor fun. I admit it, the iDevices are cool and deliver on what they promise, with a straight forward interface and the largest selection of applications on earth. Unfortunately, gravity is their nemesis. Cases have come a long way, but accidents happen and when they do your digital companion often gets stuffed in a drawer instead of coming along for the ride.
For the month of June we are offering our iPod touch/ iPad screen digitizer repairs starting @ $99.00. This is a $30 dollar savings over our usual pricing. Bring your device in for a free damage inspection and receive an exact quote for your model. We also offer data recovery and transfer for devices that are unable or not cost effective to repair.
Computers, or electronics of any kind, are generally a large investment. You’d want to protect that investment- wouldn’t you? One of the most common p...
A tale of three tablets. Ok I admit it, I am a technophile. If finances allowed I would be knee deep in every gadget I could get my mitts on. One of the benefits ...