Are you decreasing the life of your computer and putting your data at risk?
We’ve all heard of the common threats facing our devices. Whether it’s a virus, a power surge, or even a spill from your morning coffee, many people think they take all the necessary precautions to protect their data. But did you know that one of the biggest threats to your data is… your data?
That’s right- the data on your hard drive could be it’s own kryptonite. Hard drives and even new Solid State drives are designed to operate with some free space. This free space is used for moving files and for writing files for temporary use. When a hard drive is filled beyond 80% of its capacity, the drives life is greatly reduced. This is especially true for solid state drives despite their increased average lifespan.
As computers of all kinds move towards smaller sized SSDs, it’s becoming increasingly important to keep a close eye on the amount of space you’re using. When your computer gets “jammed up” from the lack of storage space, saving your data can sometimes become a difficult endeavor. At Computer Doctor of Maine, we always recommend keeping at least 1, preferably 2 backups of your computer. Given that drives can fail without warning, a backup could save you hundreds in data recovery fees.
Not sure where the clutter comes from? We can help! Every tuneup includes an analysis and cleaning of all the hidden junk files that take up space. If you’re experiencing a slow computer, low disk space, or unexplained popups and messages- it’s time for a tuneup!
If you have questions about disk space, tuneups, backup solutions or anything else, call the Computer Doctor. We’re happy to answer your questions and find the best solution that fits your budget.
Computer Doctor- (207) 862 7019 9-5 M, T, W, F 9-12 Sat.
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