Find yourself with a new Window 8 or 8.1 computer and wish you could take a chainsaw to it?
Are you tired of living in the land of apps when all you really want is a desktop?
Isn’t it great to have a touch screen designed interface on a device sold without a touch screen!
Do you just wish they left well enough alone and you could hop back to an experience you are familiar with?
[av_animated_numbers number=’$40.00′ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=” custom_color=’#444444′ font_size=” font_size_description=” link=” linktarget=’no’ av_uid=’av-7q1pmn’]
Windows 8/8.1 optimization and tweaking package promo.
[av_two_third first av_uid=’av-58n9fj’]Computer Doctor of Hampden is offering a special package which will optimize the performance of your computer and return your desktop to its rightful place, and give you a real start button! Don’t worry your Apps will still be around just not in your face as much. While we have your system in the shop we will do a free hardware check and have a look at your security software.[/av_two_third]
Is your personal information and data worth the best protection and security services available? Of course it is! Computer Doctor is proud to now offer remote sup...